Daedalus-Sataya Reef

Daedalus-Sataya Reef

Höhepunkte der Route

  • The Daedalus reef is a huge reef formation that lies at about 180 km south of Brother Islands. The reef is surrounded by a sheer wall all around, featuring a plateau on its southern side that goes from 28 m beside the reef to 40m on the edge of the drop off. If the weather is good, try to get as far north as possible and drift along one of the sides of the reef. Reef and hammerhead sharks are often spotted here. UW marine life is here more abundant than anywhere else, with schools of surgeons, fusiliers, carangids.
  • In the very south of the Fury Shoals is Sha'ab Sataya, also well-known as "Dolphin Reef".
  • It is a large natural lagoon surrounded by a massive reef. Here you will find the most beauty- and colorful hard and soft corals and drop offs.
  • But the stars of the reef are the huge pods of dolphins that are very common here.
  • Marsa Shuona

    The corner and outside north of Shouna is unique for its sprawling sand plateau. Littered in table corals of all shapes and sizes pick your depth on the gradual slope and see what's hiding beneath each one. Of course blue spot rays are abundant but certain times of year bring in breeding guitar rays and other surprises.

  • Sataya (Dolphine reef)

    Sataya – Fury Shoal – South: South of Marsa Alam, in the area of Wadi Gimal there is Shaab Sharm. A huge reef with colorful overgrown drop offs on the north and north-west side and a gorgoniawall between 17m and 22m in the east direction. The plateau on the east side, starting from 18m to 32m depth, with its coral block formations is the home of a lot of marine life. Doctor fishes, different kinds of reef fishes, napoleons and small critters – very often you see a turtle eating and resting. The plateau continues small along the south side of the main reef. Dolphins, sharks and mantas patrol along the reef in the blue. Shilineat in Wadi Gimal is the aquarium. Along the beautiful hard coral garden on the west side and in the high amount of blocks in the sandy area beside the reef you can rummage for camouflage artists and small critters. In maximum 16m and with the white sand and the sunlight it is amazing and full of small fishes and species. Very often there are turtles or dolphins around.

  • Daedalus Reef

    The Daedalus Reef is a huge reef formation that lies at about 180km south of Brother Islands. The reef is surrounded by a sheer wall all around, featuring a plateau on its southern side that goes from 28m beside the reef to 40m on the edge of the drop-off. If the weather is good, try to get as far north as possible and drift along one of the sides of the reef. Reef and hammerhead sharks are often spotted here. Underwater marine life is here more abundant than anywhere else, with schools of surgeons, fusiliers, carangids.

  • Abu Galawa Soraya

    Abu Galawa Soraya lies in the western part of the Fury Shoals,about 12 km from Wadi Lahmi on the mainland. The site is not part of the large main reef, but rather a nameless approximately 100 m wide remote reef to the west. The site is popular because of its shallow depth, excellent visibility and weak current, it offers perfect conditions even for beginners.

  • Shaab Marsa Alam

    Shaab Marsa Alam is a large semi-circular reef shaped like a bean. It is surrounded by sandy bottom with isolated rock and reef formations. The north-eastern part is particularly impressive, with a unique and, above all, species-rich coral garden. It is not uncommon to see reef sharks here. If there is a current and with a bit of luck you can also see small black tip sharks or Longimanus. To the south, in the lagoon, there is a small Wreck at around 17 m depth.

  • Shaab Maksur

    Shaab Maksur is a small but long reef with a plateau in the north and south and drop offs in the west and east side. At the north terraced plateau you can see often dolphins, barracudas or reef sharks passing by. The south plateau with its bigger coral blocks is home for many species.

Golden Dolphin Safari World

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